The Hollow

Another poignant poem written by Martin Silvester taken from his first book of poems ‘Last Apple on The Tree‘…. he says

“The other day I was lying on the lawn basking in the August sunshine and watching fluffy white clouds drifting slowly along in the blue sky above. A vapour trail way on high made me think of .. ‘The Few’ .. who through their sacrifices and bravery at this time of year, seventy five years ago, helped make it possible for us to have a meaningful future in this country. This poem is my way of saying …Thank You!”

The Hollow

Upon a lonely hillside,
That looks across the Weald
There is a tiny plot of land,
Above a farmers field .

I stumbled on it quite by chance,
Whilst walking with my dog.
And it’s beauty so enchanted me,
I rested on a log.

A perfect square of pansies,
Lying in their bed.
Enclosed a primrose-covered mound,
A stone cross at its head.

Close-cut grass surrounded,
This final resting ground.
And a high wire fence had been put up,
To foil the rabbits bound.

A brambled hollow close at hand,
Caught my curious eye.
And it somehow seemed important,
But I couldn’t fathom why.

It seemed the perfect place to rest,
For all eternity.
Perhaps the headstones legend,
Would explain it all to me.

The simple lettering on the stone,
Proclaimed a widows grief.
A pilot killed in action,
Lay in the soil beneath.

© Martin Silvester 7/4/15


You may also be interested in reading his first book of poems called Last Apple on The Tree

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Martin Silvester

Not a lot to tell...just an ordinary man...always loved writing but never had the time until now...hope I've got a few years left to write about the million things I would like to get down on paper be it in poetry form or just plain old story telling. Just in case anyone would like me to come along to their group and read a few of my poems live..I would be happy to do so within the confines of Kent or Sussex...I would just need to cover my time and petrol a cup of tea and a biscuit. Just email [email protected] To answer some of your questions= ex-army..ex -jackeroo...ex-builder..ex-quite a few other things..still rocking...married...2 + 3 children...7 custard creams. I have now published my first collection of poems which are now available on Amazon under the title of..LAST APPLE ON THE TREE. The book consists of twenty seven poems covering a wide range of topics and emotions. My second book has just been published and is called A BREEZE IN THE WILLOWS, also available on Amazon. I hope that everyone will get as much enjoyment reading them, as I did writing them.

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