
Top 5 suggestions for outdoor dates

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With the weather finally warming up, why not take advantage of the longer days to head outside with a date? 

A blast of feel-good sunshine and Vitamin D can have numerous health benefits for us all, so here are our Top 5 suggestions for Outdoor Dates that will make you feel good, whilst doing you good!

1. Garden Visits

May is the perfect time to explore one of the RHS’s botanical gardens. They are a serene setting for a date and offer plenty of opportunity for conversation, not to mention a cuppa or an ice-cream!

2. Al Fresco Dining

Many restaurants and cafés offer outdoor seating during the warmer months. Enjoy an informal drink together in a charming courtyard or terrace, whilst soaking up the atmosphere and watching the world go by.

3. Spring Festivals and Events

Keep an eye out for spring festivals, outdoor concerts, or cultural events happening in your area. They can provide a fun and lively backdrop for a date, with plenty to see and do together.

4. Day Trips

Plan a day trip to a nearby town or scenic spot. Whether it’s exploring a quaint village, visiting a historic site, or simply enjoying a stroll in the countryside, a change of scenery will add another dimension to your outing.

5. Sunset Watching

With longer daylight hours, catching a sunset together becomes easier. Find a scenic spot with a good view of the horizon, take a picnic and enjoy a magical moment as the sun lights up the sky.


If you’d like to meet someone special this Summer, we’re offering a 1-week free trial subscription to all new members who join our dating service before 29th May 2024.  (No credit cards necessary)

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