
Weird and wonderful tips to eradicate pests in the garden!

Slug pellets can no longer be sold or used in the UK, as of 1st April 2022, as they pose an “unacceptable risk” to birds, dogs and mammals. Here are some natural tips that help reduce any unwanted damage to your plants!


Garlic crushed and steeped in water – one clove to a gallon of water (4.5ltrs). Sieve/strain the liquid or else your sprayer will become blocked! Spray over veg or flowers if you don’t mind the smell!

Flea beetles

On rocket, radishes, and brassicas. Leave mint stalks or leaves amongst the plants – cover with environmesh works better!!

Caterpillars on brassicas

A teaspoon of salt added to a gallon of warm water to dissolve it works. Caterpillars hate salt!

Slugs and Snails

Oatmeal spread around plants, they eat it and gorge to death!

Beer traps

Not too much in the sunken pots, they love it, so save some for yourself though!

Couch Grass

A really deeply rooted troublesome weed. Plant or sow tomato plants in your patch of couch grass, the couch grass dies out and you get tomatoes!

Blanketweed in a pond

Buy a cheap hairbrush and tie it to a long handle or bamboo cane. Then push the brush into the blanket weed, twist and pull out, do this gently though!

I’m sure you have many more anecdotes and stories. Do let me know by leaving your comments below 

Happy Gardening!

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Peter has spent his life gardening, working in garden centres and advising in all aspects of gardening, wildlife, and bio-diversity in horticulture. He managed Clandon Park Garden Centre in Surrey at the age of 23 and was a gardening radio presenter with the BBC. This continued for 15 years, running live broadcasts from Chelsea & Hampton Court Flower shows, South of England & Surrey County shows. Now self-employed, Peter works on a wide variety of gardens from private to large estates and also concentrating on consultancy and advisory work to fellow gardeners. He works with the RHS Gardening Advice team at Chelsea, Hampton Court, Wisley Flower shows and is an RHS External Gardening Advisor

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