
Life’s a bed of roses for gardeners

Gardeners and florists are the happiest workers in the UK, while bankers are the least content in their jobs, new research has revealed.

A survey of 2,200 workers by awards body City & Guilds found that employees wanted flexibility and control over their daily duties.

Almost nine out of 10 gardeners and florists said they were happy in their job, compared with four out of five hairdressers and three out of four plumbers.

In contrast, just 44% of finance and bank workers and half of computer staff were happy.

The report said that despite the presumption that jobs in banking, computing and human resources were often well-paid, in reality they did not offer fulfilment.

Nick Bradley, group director at City & Guilds, said: “It’s particularly interesting to see that those who have taken the vocational route are happiest and feel the most pride in their work.”

The findings were published ahead of the Skills Show, a careers and skills event being held in Birmingham later this week.

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