
Clever uses for flour

Flour is a kitchen pantry staple; it’s used for baking and cooking and also has the benefit of being one of the least expensive ingredients you can buy.

There are plenty of other ways to put the flour in your pantry to good use – that have nothing to do with cooking!

Here’s a few of our favourite clever uses – will you give any a go?

Make play dough for your grandchildren

Play dough is a popular craft activity for children of all ages, and you can quickly make your own at home using flour to keep the little ones entertained. Find a video tutorial on how to do it here.

Paper craft glue

Believe it or not, you can make a simple, safe and non-toxic glue that’s perfect for paper crafts with young children – all with the items found in your pantry! Find a few different recipes using flour here.

Deter ants

Ants hate the powdery taste and feel of flour and will avoid it, so it’s a great non-toxic deterrent if you find ants around the household. Simply sprinkle a line of flour any place ants are congregating to keep them at bay.

Clean metal

You can make a simple paste using flour, salt and white vinegar that cleans brass and copper without the use of harsh chemicals.  To make your stainless steel sparkle, sprinkle flour onto a clean, dry cloth, then buff the stainless steel surface until it shines.

Clean playing cards

If you have an old pack of cards that are looking a little worse for the wear, this trick can help restore them to their former glory. Place the deck of cards into a sealed bag like a ziplock bag, add a handful of flour, seal the bag, and shake. Remove the cards and wipe clean using a cloth. The flour will absorb any oils and moisture on the cards.

Do you know any clever uses for flour? Share your wisdom in the comments below.




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Rachel - Silversurfers Assistant Editor

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