
Its official; fish oil is good for you. Most of us already knew that...

Fish oils could improve brain power

Fish oil and regular visits to the gym can help ageing muscles remain strong...

The benefits of eating fish …..

Stormy waters lie ahead for this England cricket team. A new captain takes charge...

England Cricket team …. it’s time for strong leadership

The largest survey ever studying Organic food has concluded that it’s actually no healthier...

Organic or not Organic? … That is the question.
On your bike!

The interest in Road Cycling has been building up over the past 10 years...

Chicken alert ….

With the cost of food rising rapidly we are eating much more chicken than...

Why Calorie Counting Counts, but why Exercise matters!

So, you want to lose weight…Why Calorie Counting Counts, but why Exercise matters! Recently...

The high price of inactivity…

According to statistics, someone in the UK dies directly from physical inactivity every 15...

The state of the nation

In this section Pat Fox, the Silverhairs fitness guru,  will inform you of the...

Chocolate is good for you!

What all chocoholics what to hear .. Chocolate is good for you … in...

Reduce the risk of heart disease ….

Staying healthy in middle age doesn’t mean you have to run the 10,000 meters...

Cochlear Implants – a first hand account……

This is the technology which enables many profoundly deaf people to hear again. I...

New hope for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients…

Rheumatoid Arthritis often starts during the prime of a person’s working life, typically between...

Meet Foxy … our Silverhairs fitness guru

Introducing Pat Fox….. Pat is an exercise physiologist and exercise specialist. After graduating from...

Over 50’s Rowing for Fitness

Rowing is a really good form of cardiovascular exercise being completely impact free and...

Be positive, don’t procrastinate, just do it!

For most elderly people getting down on the floor is a thing of the...

Laser Eye Surgery … Blink and You’ll Miss It!

It’s a fact that over the age of 40 most peoples eyesight starts to...

Act Now to Ensure Health & Fitness in the Future

The latest scientific studies are showing that we can obtain better health in 20...

Eat Your Way Through the Menopause

Every woman will begin to feel the effects of the menopause at some stage...

Himalayan Exhilaration!

One of the most exhilarating treks in the world must be going to the...

Do you need to lower your Cholesterol?

The Lancet medical magazine has recently published an article arguing that everyone over 50...

Meet My Fitness Pal….

Fed up with all the fad diets and advice about how to lose weight?...

Good news for coffee drinkers

Researchers have some reassuring news for the legions of coffee drinkers who can’t get...

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