
Easing the menopause journey

Menopause can feel a bit like jumping out of a plane, one minute you’re cruising along, then suddenly you find yourself free-falling through changes.

It’s a natural stage of life but can feel anything but natural. We hear a lot about hot flushes, night sweats, thinning hair and brain fog but there are also lesser-known symptoms like dry eye disease.

This occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. If your eyes have started to feel gritty, sore or watery, or if your vision has become blurry and your eyelids red or puffy, you may have dry eye disease.

The tear film keeps the front of your eyes lubricated, keeping them feeling comfortable, aiding clear vision and helping protect against infections. It consists of a watery layer with an oily layer that prevents it from evaporating too quickly. However, during perimenopause and menopause, hormonal changes can throw this delicate balance off. As hormone levels drop, so does tear production, leading to dry eye disease.

Air conditioning, heat, screen time and certain medications can make things worse, but just like a parachute slows and stabilises, there are products and management techniques from The Body Doctor | Award Winning Eye Care Specialists that can make the journey easier.

The Body Doctor has partnered with campaigner GenM to address the challenges women face during menopause, particularly focusing on symptoms like dry eye. The Body Doctor has also achieved the MTick accreditation, which helps customers identify products that support women going through the menopause.

A few simple steps can help you cope with dry eye, applying heat to the eyelids, cleansing the area regularly and taking steps to revive tear production. Lifestyle changes, like limiting screen time, can also make a big difference.

If you’re looking for an effective way to manage dry eye disease, The Eye Doctor’s three-step, daily regime is a simple solution, with products that address the root causes of dry eyes, helping to relieve symptoms.

Heat: Applying warmth to the eyelids can help unblock the meibomian glands, promoting the flow of oils that protect your tears from evaporating too quickly. Look for our Antibacterial Eye Compress accredited as menopause-friendly by GenM.

Cleanse: Regular cleansing of the eyelids removes debris and bacteria that can irritate the eyes. Look for our Biodegradable Eyelid Wipe, or our Hypochlorous Cleansing Spray.

Revive: With the right products, you can replenish moisture. Look out for our menopause-friendly Intensive Relief Eye Drops or Advanced Eye Drops which target all three layers of the tear film.

Incorporating this daily routine can significantly reduce the impact of dry eyes, helping you manage this hidden symptom of menopause with ease.

By removing the fear from menopause, GenM empowers women with choice, enabling them to thrive and have a better lived experience.

The MTick is the universal symbol transforming the shopping experience for the menopause audience, delivering choice, trust and respect to an exponential market opportunity.

At The Body Doctor, we are dedicated to addressing the unique challenges women face during menopause.

We understand that hormonal changes can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like dry eye, impacting daily life. Our mission is to provide effective solutions tailored to the needs of menopausal women, ensuring comfort, relief, and improved quality of life. We are committed to raising awareness, offering education, and delivering innovative treatments that support women through this transition, helping them maintain healthy eyes and overall well-being.


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