
Sugar versus fat – which is worse?

The debate over which is worse for you – sugar or fat – has been raging amongst doctors and nutritionists for many years. This particular health conundrum is on everyone’s lips and has even been the subject of a BBC Horizon TV show.

With so much information flying around, it’s easy to get confused. But there’s still plenty of ways to find reliable information about sugars and fats online. Here’s our guide to the best websites with the information you need.

Learn more about the effects of sugar

To find out more about how sugar affects your health, start with the NHS Facts about Sugar web page. Here, you’ll discover why it’s important to cut down on sugars, how to do so and how to read nutritional labels. Reducing your sugar intake isn’t just about eliminating fizzy drinks, chocolate and confectionery from your diet. Sugar is present in a surprising variety of foods – even foods advertised as fat-free are often very high in sugar. So the more you know about where to find sugar, the easier it will be to remove it from your diet.

If you’re keen to find out why some scientists have begun comparing sugar with tobacco, this Telegraph article will shed some light. You’ll also find a variety of sugar low-sugar recipes on the Telegraph website to help you adapt your diet.

Still not sure what the fuss is about? This Huffington Post article on 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sugar breaks down its harmful effects into digestive chunks. And if you’re looking for more detailed information about particular effects, this February 2014 Forbes article takes a more in-depth look at how sugar can harm your heart.

Incorporating good fats into your diet

Fat, on the other hand, is slowly regaining its reputation. While many people believe that fat is the true enemy of a healthy lifestyle, the truth is that everyone needs some kind of fat in their diet. However, the trick is to avoid saturated fat and instead select foods that contain unsaturated fats. The NHS Fat: the Facts page offers helpful insight into how to distinguish between these two types of fat, and even imparts tips on how to eat less fat.

Unfortunately, fatty foods often prove irresistible to some.  So if you think you’ll have trouble following a low fat diet that’s also low in sugar, a food plan may be invaluable. This low-fat diet sheet from is based on expert medical guidelines and could help you devise a healthy food plan. It identifies which foods you should eat regularly, which in moderation and which you should avoid. It also details foods that contain unsaturated fats, including oily fish, rapeseed and olive oil.

Elsewhere, this BBC Science article on healthy eating has some fantastic tips and a handy chart of healthy foods separated into five groups. This is a great resource for anyone trying to follow a low-sugar, low-fat diet as the information is accessible and clearly explained.


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