Why Kim left a gift in her Will for dementia research
When her mother-in-law passed away in 2015, five years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, mum-of-three Kim decided it was time for her and her husband to update their Will.
“It’s one of those things that you keep meaning to do but never quite seem to get around to it, maybe it’s the pressure of deciding who gets what or just the thought that you are too young to be thinking about Wills! But it was becoming obvious to us as a family that time goes so quickly. With more of our friends and relatives suffering from major illnesses and losing loved ones, it became apparent to us that getting our affairs in order was a step in the right direction to being able to relax and enjoy the ‘rest of our lives’!”

With her own mother in the late stages of vascular dementia, Kim and her family have been drastically affected by dementia. That’s why she and her husband generously made the decision to leave a gift in their Will to Alzheimer’s Research UK. She says:
“Alzheimer’s Research UK is such an important charity to support. It is only with financial help from our generation that any in-roads towards any form of cure may be found. If we can help fund the vital research needed to end the misery of dementia for our children’s children then we feel we have done our bit.”
Dementia affects 850,000 people in the UK today, which is a number set to rise to two million by 2050. Symptoms of this terminal condition usually include gradual loss of memory and communication skills and a decline in ability to think and reason clearly. Currently, there is no cure or treatment to stop the progression of the condition, but research can change this. At Alzheimer’s Research UK, we fund more dementia research than any other UK charity. This singular focus on research means we can channel our expertise with maximum benefit to make the greatest difference to people affected by dementia.
Gifts in Wills fund one in three of our groundbreaking studies into causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure for the condition. They are a gift to the future, offering hope to our children, grandchildren and future generations of a world free from the fear and heartbreak of dementia.
To find out more about making or updating a Will, as well as leaving a gift to charity, you can download our free guide by visiting our website. Alternatively, you can request a copy to be sent in the post by contacting our Gifts in Wills team on [email protected] or by calling 01223 896 606.