
How to pay for care

Navigating the care system can be very difficult, especially if it is completely new to you. You might be faced with the prospect of funding care for yourself and a loved one, with no idea where to start.

Financial assessment:

In most cases, your journey to funding care will begin with a financial assessment. This can feel quite invasive, but it’s the job of the local authorities to accurately determine whether you or your loved one should fund your own care, or whether you are entitled to assistance.

Assistance with funding:

Funded Nursing Care (FNC): This is a non-means-tested allowance payable by the NHS to cover the cost of the ‘nursing care component’ of nursing home fees. You may be eligible for this if you have been assessed as needing care from a registered nurse. For more details on this subject, click here 

NHS funding: If you qualify for NHS continuing healthcare, all your care fees are funded by the NHS, and you will not have to contribute to the cost of your care, regardless of any financial resources you may have. For more details on this subject, click here 

12-week property disregard:

If you intend to sell yours or your loved one’s house to fund the cost of your care, then you might be worrying about how to pay care home fees in the meantime. The 12-week property disregard is designed to provide individuals the breathing space to sell their property.

The council will pay the care home fees for the first 12 weeks, or until your property sells, depending which occurs first. Follow this link for more information about this subject

Other criteria that you might meet, in order to receive help with paying for care, include the council tax rebate for people living with dementia; as well as funding via Section 117 Aftercare. This can be applied when the person has been treated for a serious mental health disorder that has resulted in them being sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983.

It can be a confusing task, working out the best way to fund a care placement, but for a more in-depth guide, please visit the finance section of the Greensleeves Care Advice Centre: 

For more information on financing care or finding a suitable care home, please email


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