
How to make the best use of Personal Budgets

Personal budgets give people and their carers more control, choice and flexibility over how they plan and manage their social care support.


  • Talk to your GP or local authority to see if your parent qualifies for a personal budget and they will direct you to the appropriate contact within the NHS
  • The personal budget concept is based on people knowing how much money is likely to be available to plan their support at an early stage
  • Personal Budgets are available in addition to any money that your ageing parent may receive, or qualify for, such as Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance or other benefits
  • The council will need to check that your parent qualifies for adult social services. If they qualify, then they will need to have an assessment to establish what sort of help and support they need
  • Your parent can do the assessment on your own, or get someone to help them with it, for example a family member, friend, or a social worker
  • This would include looking at the types of assistive technology you will need around the home to manage their particular situation. After this process, your parent will be told of the likely amount of money available to fund their support and then they can then develop a support plan,  on their own, or with the help of family, friends, GP, social services or others

The Personal Budget Plan

  • Your parent will explain the types of support they need, in order to have quality of care at home
  • Once the plan is agreed, your parent will receive their Personal Budget
  • Pieces of equipment, or minor adaptations to their home, form a key part of the ‘reablement process’ and can make their life easier
  • Community equipment is the term given to pieces of equipment that helps a person with aspects of daily living.

How does your parent receive their personal budget?

  • Via Direct Payment controlled by the Direct Payments Regulations and the local Direct Payments policy
  • The Personal Budget can be taken as cash (a Direct Payment), or the council can manage it
  • There are controls built in to ensure that people spend their money in agreed ways and provide information about this on a regular basis and do not accumulate unspent funds

 is a UK-focused information website and social forum aiming to providing everything you need, or want to know or discuss about caring for an older person all in one place. From positive ways to keep them active and healthy, to maintaining their financial and legal needs, through to specific information on care options, local authority funding and age-related health issues. The website draws on a wide range of experts, consultants, lawyers and charities, providing an authoritative and continuously updated source of information. It a member of The Society of Later Life Advisors and is used as a key information resource by many UK local authorities and GP practices. Contact

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Mother of three grown-up daughters and a proud grandma too, I am the ultimate multi-tasker and am passionate about my role as Silversurfers Website Editor and Social Media Manager. Always on the lookout for all things that will interest and entertain our community. Fueling fun for the young at heart!

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