How to help older people online using tablets
How to get older people online using tablets
How to get an older person started with an iPad
- It is very easy to get started using an iPad, even if you’ve never used one before
- They are very intuitive to use
- The best way of introducing an iPad to an older person is to not mention that it is a computer, as if you do, it can create fear and a feeling that they will never be able to use it.
- There is also no need to mention technical details about wireless or 3G
- Hand the iPad to them with an app open on the screen and let them start using it
How to get a good value iPad
- You don’t need to buy a new iPad. Apple, Argos, eBay and other good retailers sell refurbished ones. Make sure refurbished iPads come with a guarantee
- If the intended user already has wireless broadband, you can get an iPad with Wi-Fi connection rather than 3G, but if there is no wireless connection, or if you want to use it on the move, you need to get a 3G model, which entails paying for a mobile contract
- The iPad 2 is a perfectly good model and you don’t need the latest model
- The Apple apps store has thousands of apps available, ranging from free to around £5
- The app store has a good search engine. You just need to input keywords into the search
- Establish what the older person is interested in
- The most popular apps are shown on the front page of the Apps store
- Just click to download apps you want. (You need to have an Apple account before you can download or buy apps)
- There are also some good apps for dementia sufferers
What are the best apps for the elderly
Our technology section has some great advice on ipads and apps for older people
We also have some great videos about how to get older people online is a UK-focused information website and social forum aiming to providing everything you need, or want to know or discuss about caring for an older person all in one place. From positive ways to keep them active and healthy, to maintaining their financial and legal needs, through to specific information on care options, local authority funding and age-related health issues. The website draws on a wide range of experts, consultants, lawyers and charities, providing an authoritative and continuously updated source of information. It a member of The Society of Later Life Advisors and is used as a key information resource by many UK local authorities and GP practices. Contact

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