
Plan a secure and brighter retirement

Do you want to know how to plan a secure & brighter retirement – it’s easier than you think!

Now you can “see into the future” with the unique RetireEasy LifePlan. It shows you year-by-year, for up to 40 years from retirement, how much you can spend each year, how much of your assets remain… and just how long those assets will last!

This is not the usual pension calculator you are accustomed to: RetireEasy LifePlan covers ALL aspects of your retirement finances, from your home and mortgage to your ISAs, shares and funds, income, debts, future expenses like school fees for the grandchildren or even that dream cruise.

Then you can edit your LifePlan at any time when your circumstances change or the value of your assets increases or falls.

You simply enter, in an easy guided step-by-step way, your financial information – including your home value, values of your various assets, income and outgoings. Then make a few simple estimates of inflation, returns on investments, and growth in your home’s value. These are indeed purely estimates and can be changed at any time.

If you find that either your assets will run out sooner than you were expecting, there are many ways in which you can try different plans – maybe a home downsize or taking out a Lifetime Mortgage; or decide to put aside more before retirement work longer (or retire earlier!); change the amount you will spend in retirement; or try many other options. Each time you make a change you will see a “Snapshot tool” showing the effect of those changes on how long your assets will last.

The program has bank level security and your information is never shared with anyone. RetireEasy LifePlan has been in widespread use with thousands of satisfied users for over five years. Amongst many accolades, Investors Chronicle described it as the “Holy Grail for people seeking a retirement planning tool”.

And now, in addition to the FREE Basic LifePlan, RetireEasy has recently launched two new products with important additional features:

  • LifePlan Classic: includes charts which give you a great visualisation of how your future finances evolve over time, the ability to plan that home downsize and much more flexibility in modelling individual ISAs and other investments. LifePlan Classic costs just £2.99 per month.
  • LifePlan Premium: the ultimate retirement planning tool. It incorporates all of the features of Basic and Classic but adds: live updates of all of your investments’ values on a daily basis, provided by Morningstar, so that you don’t have to search out the values each time; the ability to create, compare and save multiple scenarios; the ability to model a Lifetime Mortgage at some time in the future; and a downloadable and printable narrative summary of your LifePlan to keep for easy reference. LifePlan Premium costs just £3.99 per month.

AND, for Silversurfers members, a 25% discount on your first year’s membership is available.



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