
Mortgage rates continue to fall despite rumours of a Bank of England base rate...

How to save money on your mortgage

Even something as seemingly complex as managing your currency exchange in relation to an...

Are you looking to buy a property abroad? – Consider these currency tools

The likelihood is that when you’ve been on overseas trips in the past, you...

How do I get the Best Exchange Rates?

Savers who want to switch savings accounts to get a better rate should find...

Getting the best interest rates for savers
Seven ways to reduce your Inheritance Tax Bill

Inheritance tax is often called a ‘voluntary tax’ because with a little forward planning...

Six top tips for planning your funeral

Plan for the future We’ve already outlined in our previous article how the cost...

The anatomy of a lifetime mortgage sale

Many people are interested in finding out more about certain financial products, but are...

Going abroad? Carry your money more efficiently

When you are heading for your place in the sun make sure you have...

The truth is out there

Misplaced fears about equity release mean that pensioners and their families could miss out,...

Why you should switch to an independent energy supplier this Independence Day

If you’re part of the 88 per cent of homeowners who buy energy from...

How Much Can You Save by Growing Your Own Vegetables?

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables month, so we’ve cultivated a guide to...

The Big British Budget’s generation gap revealed

ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE When over 10,000 people play Chancellor for the day and make their...

The rising cost of dying in the UK in 2015: plan now for tomorrow

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”,...

Solar panels: tax free income and reduced energy bills with Everest Windows

As you approach retirement, and for the many years you look to enjoy life...

The Retirement Money Show is the event you can’t afford to miss in London this weekend

Over 1,200 people will be coming to the Retirement Money Show on Saturday 20th...

Top 5 tips to boost your self-confidence when looking for a job

Don’t be daunted by job adverts, get confident and find a new role! If...

Finding information on benefits and grants

With everyone trying to cut costs these days, it’s increasingly unlikely that people will...

How to save money with the latest energy technologies

Want to save money and cut down on the amount of energy you use?...

Reducing your energy costs with First Utility

Silversurfers has teamed up with First Utility, the UK’s largest independent gas and electricity...

How You Can Help the NSPCC by Switching Energy Supplier

First Utility, the UK’s largest independent energy supplier, has extended its partnership with the...

How a new government report is creating a vision for older workers

 There’s no doubt that people living longer is a good thing. But there are...

Tips for starting a new business in your 50s & 60s

Important things to remember when you’re planning a new business and where you can...

Setting up a savings account for your grandchild

Watching your grandchildren grow up is a rewarding and special time and it may...

Why it pays to go solar for summer

Make the most of the summer sun by considering solar panels for your home....

Budget 2015: Three Easy Ways to Manage Your Utility Bills

Since the 2015 Budget announcement came out of that little red briefcase on Wednesday...

Innovative new way to earn investment income

Silver surfers are turning to an innovative new way to earn investment income, new...

UK Budget 2015 – What does it mean for property investors?

While there were no real surprises in UK Chancellor George Osborne’s 2015 Budget, there...

October 2015 – State Pension top up

There’s still no such thing as a free lunch, but there are some good...

February 2015 – Get your State Pension statement

It’s hard to know how to plan for your retirement when you don’t know...

January 2015 – Automatic enrolment

Back in 2012, only 1 in 3 people were saving into a workplace pension,...

April 2016 – State Pension changes

The State Pension is changing, and it is important to know what the changes...

April 2015 – Pension freedoms and Pension Wise

It used to be that when you retired, you could only buy an annuity...

Watch out, watch out, there’s a pension scam about!

If you’re over 50 and you have a pension you are someone unscrupulous fraudsters...

You have no protection from pension scams

Many people do not realise that investments made into pension scams are not protected....

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