
Over a third of UK adults have decided what they want for their funeral...

Are you taking your funeral wishes to the grave?

Since the introduction of the pension freedoms in April 2015, which opened a whole...

Annuities vs Pension Drawdown: Size Does Matter

It seems that energy is in the news on a near-daily basis at the...

A guide to switching supplier with Fischer Energy

The Isle of Wight has the second highest proportion of over-50s (45%), and is...

Isle of Wight Luxury Retreat Investment Opportunity
Go Green with 100% renewable electricity

Most of us want to do our bit for the planet. We recycle our...

Stay Young in Vibrant Liverpool

Liverpool – a young, vibrant city with a bright future Regeneration has completely transformed...

Are you fed-up with constant energy price increases?

This month British Gas announced an inflation-busting 12.5% increase on their electricity prices, adding...

The power of the Silver Pound

UK society has often failed to appreciate the needs of, and contributions from, Britain’s...

Is it time to change your energy supplier?

Energy companies are often in the news for the wrong reasons, with tales of...

Three things you should include in your Will

Wills aren’t always the cheeriest topic, but when done right, they can be funny...

Income drawdown – Don’t let your pension become a DIY disaster

With the advent of the new ‘pension freedoms’, income drawdown became the best retirement...

Final Salary Pensions – Stick or Twist?

Until recently, the ‘best bet’ with a final salary pension was to leave it...

Thinking of selling your diamond jewellery?

Many people when getting older want to sell their diamonds or diamond jewellery for...

Find over 60s travel insurance with Silversurfers

The desire for adventure doesn’t stop with age – so why should travel insurance?...

Find over 80s travel insurance with Silversurfers

The desire to travel doesn’t fade with age – but how we like to...

Find over 70s travel insurance with Silversurfers

Travel insurance is essential at any age, but it’s particularly important for older travellers...

A simple way to maximise your ISA

After patiently watching your cash pile grow, the last thing you want is for...

The con remains the same

Did you know, way back in 1925, a smooth operating conman known as Count...

Choosing Disability Travel Insurance with Silversurfers

Disability needn’t be a barrier to travel – with a little forward planning, you...

Get travel insurance before you go

For many of us when booking a holiday, travel insurance is something we can...

And now for the science …

Do you remember Jennifer Aniston advertising some well-known hair care products? She looked beautiful,...

Choosing Travel Insurance with Silversurfers

For travellers over 50, travel insurance is as essential as a passport or local...

A New Year’s resolution which could last a lifetime

This is the time of the year when many people make New Year’s resolutions...

Seven ways to save more with low interest rates

So low in fact, that the government have announced that they’ll launch a new...

Simple money resolutions to try in 2017

Managing our money better is a common New Year’s resolution, and while getting your...

Beware the small print in care home contracts!

Want to avoid unexpected bills? If you or a loved one are contemplating moving...

Planning for 2017 and beyond

As 2016 draws to a close, many people use the long evenings in December...

How to let a loved one know your final wishes

Talking to your loved ones about your funeral wishes isn’t an easy subject to...

Have you got a pension down the back of your sofa?

Heading towards retirement? Time to make sure you’re going to receive all your entitlements....

Interest rates are low: what next for your finances?

Since the Bank of England cut interest rates to 0.25% on 4 August savers...

Safe haven in the storm – plan for the future

In an ever changing world, it’s important to think ahead and plan for the...

Plan a secure and brighter retirement

Do you want to know how to plan a secure & brighter retirement –...

How to make the most from your pension freedom

George Osborne’s pension freedoms have unshackled pensioners from the need to buy an annuity,...

Do you know how much your savings and investments are worth?

UK’s first ‘retirement planning dashboard’ lets you know precisely what your savings and investments...

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