
Charity urges ‘career MOT’ at 50 to prepare for retirement

Half of workers aged between 40 and 64 do not expect to have enough money to retire when they reach state pension age, according to a new report.

Research by Age UK found that more than a third of people believe they will be working into their late 60s.

A survey of over 2,000 adults showed support for a “career MOT” at the age of 50, prompting the charity to call for such a measure to be launched.

Caroline Abrahams of Age UK, said: “Our research shows that millions of people across the country will need to continue working in some capacity past their state pension age.

“Some will want to and others won’t, but however people feel about it there is a lot to be said for taking stock at age 50, while there is still time to make changes to how the rest of your working life and your transition to retirement are shaping up.”

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “We are already taking action with businesses to make it easier for them to recruit, retain and retrain older workers through our Fuller Working Lives Strategy.

“We are clear people need to plan for their retirement which is why we have support available such as Check Your State Pension and Pension Wise.”

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