
Stay Active and Engaged: The Top 6 Online Classes for Seniors to Boost Health and Happiness

As the world becomes increasingly digital, more and more people are turning to online classes to stay engaged, active, and connected. And it’s not just the younger generation who are taking advantage of this trend – online classes for seniors are more popular than ever before!

With many options, including fitness, art, meditation, cooking, and more, everyone can explore their passions, learn new skills, and connect with like-minded people. We round up the most popular online classes so far this year and explore the benefits they offer.

1. Entry Level Workout

Have fun and invigorate your morning with a whole-body workout that improves mobility, stability, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. This workout includes standing and mat-based exercises that increase muscle strength and enhance overall physical function.

“Changed my life. Never thought I would enjoy exercising! I join the Entry level classes and the seated Chair classes. I feel so much better since I joined Goldster. I am 83 years old so I find getting up from the floor difficult, so I appreciate when alternative standing exercises are given. The three trainers are excellent, enthusiastic and very friendly.” ~ Joanna Merrills

Everyday 8:00am – 8:30am

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2. Massage for Pain Relief

Say goodbye to aches and pains with these guided self-massage classes. Led by a massage expert, you’ll gain valuable insight into anatomy and learn how to prevent common muscular issues. Discover what causes certain conditions and how to soothe them through targeted massage techniques. Following expert guidance, you’ll be able to ease your muscles and enjoy a greater sense of comfort and relaxation.

“I love doing Dan Hopes massage classes as they are really great and he finds really clever techniques to help
you and always with alternatives, which help with so many different things and problems within the body.” – Judie

Fridays at 4:00pm-4:30pm
Saturdays at 11:00am-11:30am

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3. Nutrition for healthy bones and muscles

This 6 week course delves into the basics of nutrition. Discover how to eat a balanced, vibrant, and nutritious diet by exploring fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in detail. Participants gain a better understanding of these essential nutrients and learn how to incorporate them into your daily diet for improved health and wellbeing.

“Claudia’s Nutrition classes have greatly increased my knowledge and understanding of the digestive system. They’ve reminded me of the major food groups Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats and the importance of each.” –Elizabeth

Nutrition club: Wednesdays at 10:00am-11:00am
Nutrition 6 week course: Fridays at 11am-12:00pm, starting 17th March. Catch up recordings available.

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4. Mindfulness

A woman practicing mindfulness

Step into a welcoming and peaceful space to alleviate stress and find inner peace. These classes offer a unique blend of meditation, mindfulness, and journaling, designed to calm anxieties and increase awareness. With a focus on ancient Buddhist teachings presented in an easy and accessible way, you’ll have the opportunity to contemplate and reflect on gratitude, enhancing your overall sense of wellbeing. Connect with a kind and mindful community and experience the transformative power of inner peace today.

“I am a retired language teacher and am just enjoying the mindfulness Goldster offers me” – Claire

Mondays at 8:30am – 9:00am and 7:30pm – 8:00pm
Tuesday- Friday at 8:30-9:00am and 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Sunday 8:30am – 9:00am

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5. Tai Chi Flow

Tai Chi Flow

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this Tai Chi class caters to all levels. Using day-to-day imagery and narrative to help you easily memorize the Tai Chi choreography, making it a fun and engaging experience. Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed at any time, and this interactive class has been adapted for indoor practice, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of limited space at home.

“Brilliant, helps with joint mobility and movement, very helpful and instructive and easy going”  ~ Susan Hilton

Monday – Friday at 10:00 – 11:00am

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6. Yoga


Nurture your mind and body with this gentle and kind yoga class, designed to promote mindful movement, relaxation, and mobility. Start your morning off right with this soothing practice that helps you ease into your day. This class is suitable for everyone, regardless of yoga experience level, and is especially helpful for those looking to develop and refine their skills. Find sanctuary from the stresses of daily life and experience the transformative power of yoga.

“Clear instruction with poses that you can adapt for your body. Encouraging without pressure.” Irene Billingham

Monday – Saturday at 9:00-10:00am

Find out more about Goldster’s classes

All classes are provided by Goldster.

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Lisa Lawrenson

Mother to 2 young boys + 1 cat, I look after Silversurfers Club+, bringing you lots of fun and interactive content. I hope to see you in our classes soon!

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