
Seated exercises to improve your strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health

As we gracefully age, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes increasingly essential. Incorporating regular exercise into our daily routine holds the key to promoting overall health, mobility, and well-being.

However, the thought of high-impact workouts might seem daunting to some, making seated exercises an ideal and accessible option. In this article, we will explore the benefits of seated exercises for the over 50s and present a variety of seated exercises that target strength, flexibility, cardiovascular health, balance, and coordination. So, let’s delve into the world of seated fitness and uncover how these exercises can contribute to a healthier, happier you!

Seated Exercises for Strength and Flexibility

Seated Leg Lifts

To begin our journey into seated exercises, let’s focus on a simple yet effective move: seated leg lifts. Start by sitting upright in a sturdy chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lift one leg straight out in front of you, hold for a few seconds, and then lower it back down. Alternate between legs for a well-rounded workout. This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, promoting lower body strength and flexibility.

Seated Torso Twist

Strengthening the core is vital for stability and balance, especially as we age. The seated torso twist accomplishes just that. While seated with your feet firmly planted, twist your upper body to the right, then to the left, engaging your obliques and abdominal muscles. Remember to maintain proper posture throughout the movement to maximize the benefits.

Seated Shoulder Press

For a targeted upper body exercise, the seated shoulder press is an excellent choice. Grab a pair of light dumbbells or water bottles, hold them at shoulder height, and then push them upward until your arms are fully extended. Slowly lower them back down to complete one repetition. This exercise strengthens the shoulder muscles and improves overall upper body function.

Seated hamstring and glute stretches

Pilates instructor Emily shows you how to safely stretch your hamstrings and glutes in a seated position. Read more about Emily’s pilates classes by clicking here, and if you would like to join, you can enjoy a special offer of unlimited live online classes for just £3 per month for 3 months.


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Seated Exercises for Cardiovascular Health

Seated Marching

Aiming to get your heart pumping without leaving your chair? Seated marching is the answer! Sit up straight and lift your knees, alternating between left and right in a marching motion. The rhythmic movement will elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health.

Seated Arm Circles

While seated, extend your arms to the sides and make small circles with your hands. Gradually increase the size of the circles, engaging your shoulder and arm muscles. This deceptively simple exercise enhances blood flow and circulation throughout your upper body.

Seated Jumping Jacks

Yes, you read that right – seated jumping jacks! A seated version of this classic exercise allows you to enjoy its cardiovascular benefits without the impact. Simply sit with your legs slightly apart and arms by your sides. Jump your legs out and raise your arms overhead, then return to the starting position. This exercise will get your heart pumping and boost your energy levels.

Seated Exercises for Balance and Coordination

Seated Knee Lifts with Balance Hold

Improving balance is crucial for preventing falls and maintaining independence. While seated, lift one knee at a time and hold it in the air for a few seconds. For an added challenge, try extending your arms out to the sides while lifting your knees. This exercise enhances stability and strengthens the core.

Seated Heel and Toe Taps

This exercise combines balance and coordination, making it an effective addition to any seated workout routine. While seated, tap your heel to the floor in front of you, then tap your toes on the ground. Alternate between heels and toes, keeping a steady pace. This movement activates the calf muscles and helps improve lower body coordination.

Seated Yoga Poses

Yoga offers numerous benefits, and it’s adaptable for seated positions. Explore various seated yoga poses like the seated forward bend, seated spinal twist, and seated cat-cow stretch. These poses improve flexibility, alleviate stiffness, and promote mindfulness, fostering a mind-body connection.

Incorporating seated exercises into your daily routine can significantly enhance your overall health and well-being. From improving strength and flexibility to boosting cardiovascular health and enhancing balance and coordination, these exercises offer a range of benefits that can be done from home.  With a bit of dedication and the right exercises, you can maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle well into the golden years. Happy exercising!

Enjoy live, online seated exercise classes with our trusted partner Goldster

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Lisa Lawrenson

Mother to 2 young boys + 1 cat, I look after Silversurfers Club+, bringing you lots of fun and interactive content. I hope to see you in our classes soon!

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