Best flight comparison sites for holiday planning
Why spend more than you need to on your next flight? These days, you don’t have to rely on the world of a travel agent when it comes to picking the right airline or date, all you need to do is search for suitable options on a reliable flight comparison site.
The best comparison sites check hundreds of different providers and available flights to help you make sure you’re able to hunt down the most suitable options. Best of all, they can do it in a matter of minutes, giving you more time to plan all the fun things you’ll be doing when you reach your destination.
Comparing flights at the touch of a button
Finding your perfect flight is simple. All you need is an idea of where you’d like to go and when you’d like to go there and a flight comparison site will do all of the work for you. One of the best and most reliable sites is Skyscanner, which started off focusing entirely on flights but has now also spread its wings to include car hire and hotels.
Another excellent and easy to use comparison site is Kayak, which also searches through hundreds of travel sites in a matter of moments. Kayak is a holiday comparison site that makes it easy for you to check hotel, car and city break prices, very useful if you want to book more than your flights. Another handy feature is the Price Trend graph, which analyses the prices for 90 days, giving you an idea of whether you should go ahead and book immediately or wait a little while for a drop in price.
New ways to compare flights online
There are also some new and great ways to hunt for good prices, including Google Flight Search. The search engine giant released the platform in Europe in 2013 and while its still early days, its already proving to be a fast and very efficient flight comparison tool. The nice thing about using Google Flight Search is the fact that it can automatically tell what city you’re in and what currency you’d like for your search.
When you’re hunting for the best flight, the cost may not be your only top priority. Comparison site Hipmunk has taken this into consideration and it also ranks its flights by ‘Agony’ – factoring in things like the amount of time you have to spend waiting round between connections or how many tops you might have to put up with. Also worth a look is Adioso, which is similar to other flight comparison sites but has the added bonus of allowing you to enter your search in natural language. So you can just type ‘flight from London to Milan end of June for two weeks’ and it will be able to understand and return suitable flights.
When you’re booking your flights, don’t forget to protect yourself on holiday too. Make sure you’ve got all of your holiday essential sorted by looking into travel insurance from Holiday Extras.
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