Goodbye Little One
Goodbye Little One
To them, you were an ‘alley cat’,
Not good for much, just this and that,
Just wandering about outside all day,
Just lying outside in the sun,
my little friend, so full of fun,
The sweetest friend, who sadly passed away.
To me, you were ‘my company’,
The one who sat upon my knee,
And looked at me, with big brown loving eyes,
The one who made the ‘mewing’ sound,
That told the tale to all around,
That you were ‘The Queen, and you wore no disguise.
A tiny soul, with blackened fur,
and none could hold a light to her,
For she stood tall and proud within this place,
And although she’s gone to heaven’s gate,
I forever will relate,
To the cheeky look she held upon her face!
Mick Westwood
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