The Christmas of the very big Teddy
When my eldest daughter was around eight one of her presents was too large to go in her stocking. Wanting to keep her and her two younger sisters believing I thought the answer was for Father Christmas to leave her a note. This was it:
The Christmas of the very big Teddy
When Santa was talking to Daddy he said:
Now you’ve got your daughters three
I’ll look after the stockings as usual
If you’ll put things under the tree
Then Daddy suggested some items
For the stockings of his girlies three
Santa gave this some thought
Drank two glasses of port and said
I’ve got a problem you see.
The toys for your two youngest daughters
Will go in their stockings I’m sure
But to bring what you want for your Sophie
I’d have to come in through the door
Now that’s not allowed for a Santa
I’m sure this is well known to you
If I tried to bring Teddy down chimney
I’d be sure to get stuck in the flu
So here I am Sophie this morning
Too big for paper and how!
Straight from Daddy to you for this Christmas
Cause your always his baby you know
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