
8 clever uses for tomato ketchup

We all know tomato sauce is not just for adding to your chips. It can, of course, be used in all sorts of different culinary ways such as adding a dollop to shepherd’s pie or used as a marinade on chicken but did you know of some of its more interesting uses?

Here we show just how versatile ketchup can really be.

Make your copper shine

Ketchup contains vinegar which can work as a mild cleaner and even the tomatoes can help. To help get rid of copper tarnish spread a layer of ketchup over the pan and leave for 10 minutes. Rub with a soft cloth and rinse well. If the tarnish is especially heavy, sprinkle a layer of salt over the ketchup before you begin to polish. Your pots will soon look as good as new!

Revitalise your silver

As with copper, ketchup can help to clean your favourite silverware or jewellery too.

If you find you’re out of silver polish then reach for the ketchup. Apply a dollop of ketchup to a soft cloth and spread it on the silver item and rub gently. Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth.

Help to remove burnt-on food

Save elbow grease and use ketchup to help remove stubborn burnt-on food from the bottom of your saucepan. Just squirt the burned food liberally with ketchup then cover the pan and leave it to sit overnight. The pan should then be much easier to wash and rinse as usual in the morning.

Restore blond hair

If you have blond hair then you’ll understand the damage chlorine can do. Surprisingly tomato ketchup can help with repairing your locks. Simply rub in and leave for around 20 minutes, making sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards, and that green tinge will have disappeared!

Does your canine friend have a habit of rolling and coming home smelling of eau de fox? Try washing their fur with a ketchup wash and leaving it on for 30 minutes before washing off. It may just save your delicate nose buds!

Repurpose as a paint dispenser

When you’ve finished with your plastic ketchup bottle don’t put it straight in the recycling bin, wash and dry it and re-use it as a squeezy paint dispenser for when the grandchildren come over. They can have hours of fun painting their creations and you hopefully won’t have the worry of any accidental spills spoiling your decor.

Tidy pancakes

Rinse, dry and re-use your squeezy ketchup bottle to measure out pancake batter mixture into the pan. Hey presto! A neat and tidy batch of steaming hot pancakes!

Easy piping

Fill another washed and dried squeezy bottle with icing for easy piping cupcakes or to add the ultimate touch to that master bake. The bottle is easy to manage and prevents lots of drips.

Do you have any other uses for ketchup? Please comment below, we’d love to hear from you.

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Melina - Assistant Editor

Hi I'm Melina, a mother of 3 teenage children and with a particular interest in all things health related. I run a busy household and smallholding alongside my work with Silversurfers, which currently includes dogs, fish, hens, ducks and pigs!

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