
3 ways music can improve your well-being

We all know about taking our vitamin Cs and Ds…but what if music was just as important in becoming a happier and healthier you? 

Music will bring you physical and emotional balance

A sonata a day keeps the doctors away... did you know that 30 minutes of Mozart every day may help premature new-borns grow faster, or that listening to opera could improve life expectancy after a heart transplant?

Listening to classical music has been shown to stimulate the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, such as dopamine, and in turn reduce stress hormones. So if you’ve had a long day or just need to cool down after dashing for the bus, a relaxing Chopin nocturne will surely bring your blood pressure and heart rate back to where they belong.

Simply put, classical music soothes us, and all of us could benefit from a bit of that once in a while. We’ve put together a playlist designed specifically to help you relax and unwind. So if you’re in the mood for a little musical TLC, have a listen to our complimentary playlist while you read the rest of this article.

At Vialma, we’re dedicated to classical music and jazz, but more than anything we’re dedicated to enhancing the daily lives of our thousands of members through music.

Music is the ultimate brain workout! 

The ancient philosopher Plato once wrote that “musical training is a more potent instrument than any other”. Turns out Albert Einstein’s parents thought the same! They got their turbulent son interested in violin from an early age, and though Einstein is now better known for his theory of relativity than for his capacity as a musician, he always insisted that it was music that first trained him to think abstractly.

Now, listening to Wagner’s entire Ring cycle may not turn you into a Nobel Prize winner overnight, but 30 minutes of music a day could sharpen your sudoku skills and even reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s!

Music will improve your sleep 

In 2013, archaeologists excavated a clay tablet from the ruins of Babylon. Etched on it were no historical chronicles or trade records, but a 4,000-year-old lullaby… a moving reminder that children have needed the comfort of music to fall asleep since the dawn of civilization!

But why should we lose that habit as we grow? Soft classical music before bed has been shown to improve sleeping patterns in adults too! It lowers your heart rate, eases your mind, and even releases melatonin, the “sleep hormone”. It’s time to find your new lullaby, and unwind after a long and busy day!

As The Sound of Music’s Maria once said: “Music acts like a magical key, to which the most tightly-closed heart opens”. Let music become a part of your journey towards a happier, healthier you with the help of Vialma, the streaming service dedicated to classical and jazz! Carefully curated by a team of experts, our extensive catalogue of playlists, articles, videos and more provides endless ways for you to relax and enjoy the music you love. Nourish your mind and body for just £1 for 3 months!

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