I’m often kept inside my house
By slippy ice or snow
But the sun shone through my window
So out I wanted to go
As I hadn’t got a fever
Nor possessed a cough
My walking shoes were by the door
I was eager to set off
But I’ll stay in, because you see
It looses all its pleasure
If every time I greet a friend
A six foot gap must measure
As my eyes are not fantastic
My ears not that frisky
Exchanging greetings with a friend
Could be a trifle risky
So I thought I’d exercise
By doing some line dances
Tho’ my lounge is full of furniture
Still I would take my chances
So I grapevined and I sailor stepped
I mamboed and I twirled
I cucaracha’d , cha cha cha’d
As round the room I whirled
I tried to add a shimmie
You are meant to shake your top
Alas when I finish it
The rest of me won’t stop
Out of breath and puffing hard
A bruise upon my knee
Due to my enthusiasm
And a very hard settee
So I’ve decided to give up
I’ve never backed a winner
Besides my tummies rumbling loud.
Telling me it’s time for dinner
Glenys Halliday
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