Silhouette of infusion
Silhouette of infusion
There was lonely figure standing underneath the stars, as she’s looking picturesque, as the moonlight cast a shadow upon her delicate form, I breath a sigh of passion, that fills my soul, a yearning that can not be denied, for I have loved her from afar, for so long , and yet I have never uttered a word to her, night after night I watched her go for a walk, such a lonely creature, as I stare at her, seeing her every move, yet she knows nothing of my desire for her, he sees her turn, as moonlight caresses her hair, shining down like a beacon of gold .
What man am I, I tremble at her mere presence I whisper a silent love poem, for it will never reach her heart, tis a dream, for it will never be fulfilled.
The desires of the heart never fade, for it’s destined to touch the souls of lovers, where they entwined the passion of life infusion to be together.
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