
The buzz of a large angry bee like noise woke Jane from her slumber. She felt the hard surface of the bed under her back as the sound made her ears ache. Squinting through the glass she realized that she still on the spacecraft Jennings. She twisted her head sharply to notice the air filters circulating oxygen around the inner hull keeping the crew alive. The stale air smelt like old clothing, sweat, and chemicals as it was recycled and was now at least seven months old. The tingling sensation in her body told her that she had been lying there for some time, it felt like a dozen ants inching their way up from her feet to her shoulders.

She then remembered dreaming of pleasant fields, trees, and babbling rivers even though she hadn’t been anywhere near them she felt like home. Sitting, slowly up she turned to see her husband Tom: he was hunched over the computer; readouts sped past his dull blue-grey eyes. He didn’t turn as she lowered her thin long legs onto the cool surface of the metallic floor.

“How do you feel love?” the voice was gruff and low as though he had been singing for days on end.

Jane looked at him; his light brown hair was neat; even to the extreme. His steel grey eyes puffed out from lack of sleep looking like a pair of doughnuts with his nose stuck between.

“I feel fine,” Jane scanned the gray-white room like an owl looking for its prey. “How long now?”
“I still don’t see this baby yet?” Tom scowled at her with his tick eyebrows meeting in the middle like to large furry caterpillars.
“I feel the infant within me, it fills me with fear.” Jane barked almost defensively.
“Why’s that love?” his voice rose to quiver as though it was going to crack like a fragile vase.
“There’s a fear in me. It squirms in my mind like a little bookworm looking for the word devil.” Her voice quivered with the effort she put into it so that she didn’t cry out loud.
“What makes you say that!” Tom barked loudly like a wolf on the hunt.
“There’s a dread that fills me every time I sleep; the dreams that wake me as sweat drips from every pore in my body.” Her sweet face wrinkled like that of a prune.

His thin smile said it all. “I fear this flight is making you paranoid.”

“I’m pregnant; I should know my own body.” She rubbed her swollen belly forcing it to shake like a jelly on a plate.
“Settle down, love; I’m not doubting you, but these readouts say something else?” he waved his left hand limply as if this was going to help calm her down somehow.
“You still trust that computer even though it has lied to us.” she snapped sharply at him.
“It was a glitch that was sorted it out shortly after it had happened; go get some food and drink,” he spoke softly sounding like syrup running down the pot.

“Vince will be there?” she turned sharply; glancing harshly at him.
“I don’t know. If he avoids him; things will become better soon my sweetheart.” he had turned to the computer like it was his only form of communication.

Jane walked out of the room the odd sensation of something terrible taking everything she knew and turning it to a vision of hell. Her mind wondered; it was like she was having a baby, yet things pointed to her dreaming of it. The fresh feel of metal on her feet made the walk down the narrow corridor; no noise or feeling of movement; as she passed the computer room and science quarters; towards the small restroom; here a computer could be programmed to supply food which suited the crews dietary needs; the small unit served its purposes with the best food you could get. On this leg of the journey the craft only held five crew; so there weren’t that much supply needs on board. It was sheer loathing that made her hope Vince was tucked up in the science room; working on the vile creations he always seemed to be doing in that small, dark, smelling room; every time she went by it puffed out vast volumes of foul, acrid gasses that made the crews eyes water like waterfalls at times. This was the last thing on her mind: her job as the backup flight operator was enough to keep her going. The corridor turned a soft corer; on nearing the doorway at the far end she felt the baby kick. It felt like a horse had kicked the inside of her body; bringing tears to her eyes that dripped onto her mouth tasting like salty sea water. She stumbled hand stretched out grabbing at the hard surface of the nearby wall to keep herself on her feet she made her way into the room looking like a drunkard out the nightly booze. Stepping into the restroom was like entering the cinema after having your ears full of cotton wool then pulling it out.
“It moved, I tell you; I swear that the form could now be called life.” The shrill high pitched voice of Vince hurt her as his voice wormed its way into her brain like that of a grass snake.

“Why is this so important?” she saw Kirk put the cup down that he was holding.

“It means we’ve reached the next stage in the program,” Vince spoke fast as though the words were trying to come out on their own past his sparkling clean teeth; that shone like stars in the night sky.

Jane tip-toed past them; in the hope, Vince wouldn’t see but this was hard to do in such a small area.
“Well, if it isn’t the grey lady; hows that phantom baby?” His voice cut into her as many daggers pushed through her soft skin.

Trying her hardest to ignore him she quickly moved to the dispenser like a ghost. Looking at the computer menu she punched the numbers heavily like a boxer in the ring. The thud of soft footfalls behind her like that of a rhythmic heartbeat warned her Vince was now walking toward her; he would grope her like she was an orange to bee squeezed of all its juices. Wincing, woefully she wished one of the crew would stop him; none of them ever did; today was going to be different; she would surprise him hopefully. Waiting serenely until he actually reached her; placing them scrawny arms around her; tightening them like a boa she would then spring her surprise on him. His cold clammy hands clasped around her waist rising slowly up like two bony spiders to her ample breasts; giggling like a schoolboy as he looked back at Tom.

“Is this how your husband does it?” his hoarse voice broke into her mind stabbing like a spear.

Squeezing her eyes tight clearing all thoughts from her mind; she slowly lifted her left leg keeping her balance as steady as she could with that ugly snake like person pawing at her as though she was bread that needs to be kneaded; she quickly brought her leg back kicking Vince in his genitals. The scream sounded like a donkey as he fell slowly to the floor like a deflated balloon. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he twisted and turned writhing like the snake he was.

“Stay away from me you creep.” she spat the words at him like bullets from an old-fashioned gun.
“You.. forget… your hubby has been dead for two years.” he gasped at the words as he rolled around.
“Liar. He is alive; you prick and you know that.” her venomous mind wanting him to shrivel up like a dried grape.

Picking plastic tray of a meal, a glass of drink; she turned to stamp across the prone figure; leaving the room with a large smile across her beautiful face.

“You’ll come to me one day.” His voice echoed down the corridor like thunder in the narrow streets of a town.

As she reached the door to the lounge she could hear the soft sound of a computer tablet operating within the room. Passing through the sliding door she noted that Sarah was in there; there was a link to her even though she was from an African background. She had heard the crew moaning as there was a rumour been spread around like butter; that she was only on the flight because the government needed more diversity.
“Hi, Jane how’s it going?” Sarah sultry soft voice sounded bored as she gave her a quick glance.

“I could be better.” she slumped into the soft chair; placing the tray of food and drink on her knees.

“Can you still feel the baby?” Sarah glance at her momentarily then turned back to the tablet.

“Yes. It kicks sharply, making my nerves jump.” She looked down to her swollen belly.

“I heard Vince say it’s all in your mind?” Sarah eased herself deeper into the chair.

“He would say that. He was telling me my husband was dead not a few minutes ago. I believe he is either an evil demon or a madman.” she smiled thinly on seeing Sarah moving nervously.

“You said it, sister.” Sarah twitched again as though she was sat on some hot coals.

Jane noted Sarah was glancing around as though there was someone else in the room moving in front of her eyes. Jane didn’t let it trouble her as wanted to finish the meal that sat in front of her smelling to tasty to leave. Sarah lazed back again; playing the three-d game that was on the tablet she held tightly in her thin bony hands. The room fell silent as she continued to bite into the small morsel of fake meat. It was too much for her even some small talk would’ve been nice. On finishing, she hobbled over to computerized cleaning unit; letting the plate slide into its mouth like a letter into a postbox. She turned slowly and made to leave the room. She had reached the sliding door when Sarah stirred again.
“I’ll see later, maybe.” Her voice sounded like she was speaking in her sleep.
“Sure, it’s not like we can go anywhere.” Jane passed through the sliding door into the stark gray corridor again.

Walking up the corridor towards the sleeping area; she was forced to go near to the science area, which forced her to shiver at what Vince got up to within that small area; it was like his cave and he was the monster that lived within. Every time she felt Vince was either breeding some unholy beast that would be unleashed on some planet that couldn’t even know was there or it was an experiment that would turn someone into a gremlin.

Then a stray thought entered her mind; she hadn’t seen Dave the co-pilot of this spacecraft for some days, but that could be down to him having to stay up in the flight room keeping an eye on the instruments. Then another thought hit hard; she hadn’t seen him since this leg of the mission. Reaching the sliding door to her sleeping quarters; she entered to note Tom slumped over the computer desk; lightly snoring. Walking over to him she stroked his fine soft brown hair; something dripped from the bridge of his nose onto the orange uniform he wore; droplets of dust red blood. She wondered what it meant but after turning to pick a wipe up the blood was gone. Shaking her head to free the fuzziness of cobwebs from her brain she went to the sleep pod for another four-hour rest. This was what the computer doctor had ordered whilst the baby tossed inside her like a worm burrowing through the Earth; She felt it was right to do what was said even if some of the crew thought she was faking it. She pod laid down onto the soft surface. A small processor worked out her size by scanning her with the laser. The foam grew like a marshmallow wrapping itself up either side of her; forming a pillow it felt like been surrounded by a dozen knobbly pillows as it comforted her in its grip. She preferred this; unlike some of the crew who fond them to soft to their liking. The soft hiss of recycled airbrushed gently against her left cheek as the glass cover formed above her; protecting her from germs.

She was in an open area her eyes were fixated on the green slime that moved slowly like jelly as it circled around a hazy figure. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing but it looked a lot like a baby. There was something very odd with this baby; its mouth was full of teeth, sharp, spiky, serrated like that of a shark. Evil bright red dots filled the eye sockets glaring at her; filling her full of dread, doom, death as her body trembled with every movement they made.

She sat up sharply forcing the glass above to vanish with a quickness that couldn’t almost be seen; she saw Tom; he still sat the computer; data streaming past his pale gray-white face. Worry lines filled his brow like tram lines heading into a town. She couldn’t see what it was telling him but there was a deep feeling of horror.
“What is it, Tom?” Her voice warbled as though it was full of fear.
“What? Oh sorry. There’s nothing to worry about, my dearest one.” his voice sounded tired.

She slid off the bed onto the cool metal floor; hobbling over to hug him. As she wrapped her slender arms around his ample chest; she shivered with the icy touch of his body through the uniform. “I had a vision of the baby; it was surrounded in a green worm-like slime; it turned its evil red eyes onto me filling me with a feeling that I can only say was one of deep trepidation.”
“This is to be expected. It’s the inner mind fighting the boredom of traveling within the emptiness void of space.” his head turned slowly as though been operated by a puppeteer.
“If you say so my love.” her voice trembled slightly.

His head turned back to the screen. “I suggest you have some time on the flight deck; it might break the soporific atmosphere, love.”

“If you insist, dear” she bent in to kiss him on the soft, stubbly, surface of his right cheek.

Reaching the sliding door she scowled on looking back; she was sure he looked like a mirage; like those some people get in hot desserts.

Stumbling as she grabbed at thin air she felt a wave of nausea pass over her like the incoming tide. She then detected a chill; the recycling unit had been turned right down; it was hard to tell from the dull white light from the bulbs, which had gone into night mode too early. A musty, damp, claggy smell drifted along the narrow space; she felt the walls close in on her as though they were going to swallow her and then digest her slowly. It seemed to take an eternity to reach the flight deck; the door hissed open with a time that seemed to take ages. The large open room was filled with the noise of computers chattering to each other like noisy neighbors; the flight control chair spun around as though someone had vacated it just seconds ago leaving everything to itself. She discovered that the commander’s computer had the command program on the screen; showing that the spacecraft was now in low power mode; the mission was reaching its end. The large planet Alpha One would soon fill the viewer on the wall. She couldn’t put her finger on it but the nagging sensation in her mind asked; why was there no one around to guide the craft into orbit? Sitting down into the comfy flight seat brought an intense thump as the baby kicked within her. It felt as though it was trying to burst out of her from her belly and not come the normal way. Squinting through sharp, acrid, salty tears Jane brought up the flight plan. Somewhere on there, she could see the file that contained the autopilot. Having some difficulty seeing what was in front of her she made slow progress on reprogramming the data so that the craft could land itself. But after a time she had the craft running by the computer; once that was done she decided to head for the medical area; she felt the baby was on its way; damp thick water ran down her legs inside the trousers of the red uniform. Gripping the wall like it was moving away from her every time she moved she made her way down towards level two. Passing the science room; a pinpoint of light shone out of the porthole within the wall. Quivering like a small duck Jane knew that she didn’t like Vince at the best of times but the darkness brought out the feeling; he was in there spying on her. Moving as quick as her feet could carry her she neared the medical area; she noted the recycled air was thick, dense, putrid; making it hard to breathe. She felt like she was moving in slow motion as she entered the medical room; moving over to the large bed beside which there was an oxygen cylinder with a mask attached. On turning the valve she felt the bittersweet air filling her lungs; it was like rushing through a forest in the break of dawn as the dull thin gas like stuff made her better. She tumbled over to the computer, which would turn on the virtual doctor once she tapped the enter key; she slouched on the empty gurney she pressed the button as quickly as her finger could move.
“How might I help you?” the cold flat voice of the three-d programmed doctor stood over her like a spectral zombie.

“I’m having a baby.” she heard her voice imploring.

“Mmm. Let me have a closer look.” he rubbed at his chin as though he was filing a rough spot from his fingers.
A thick shadow grew above her as the three-d form grew over her like a thick sheet on a bed.

Darkness came quickly.

She found her self-falling down a tight tunnel as her body was forced down a spiral straw towards a bright green dot ahead. The green slime worm surrounded her as she headed on down; it was like being in a thick aspic jelly as the thing cuddled her. The boa of a straw vanished as she stopped at the end of this horrible sight.

Something was different about her; she was in a small body; one that was about to be born; evil, malevolent; with a high intelligence. Why did it want to be evil? The words silently filled her tiny mind. She tried to scream but all that came out was a wail. With her sight fixed within this terror, she felt the baby walking through a corridor towards the flight deck of the spacecraft she had been on recently. It was walking already? This came through like a light bulb snapping on. There wasn’t much she could do within this mind even though with some trial and error she could control some of the emotions but not enough to keep the evil from taking the front seat. Through red eyes, the planet grew on the view screen as though it was a pancake in a black frying pan. Ripe for the picking; home for some eons to come. Jane wanted to make it press the destruction button but even with all her might, it held her back.

The craft slowed, spiraling, slowly down into the thin upper atmosphere of Alpha one.

Within the mind Jane shivered at the thought; little did the people down on the planet know what was heading their way.

Evil incarnate.

By Ricahard Cotton

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