
Is the constant quest for equality eroding the archetypal gender differences?

For many years now there has been a move in all walks of life for men and women to be treated as equals in modern western society. By and large this is a very good thing and acceptable to the majority.

But is 100% equality realistically achievable and should this be the ultimate goal? Women and men differ in a vast number of ways, primarily in the ability to reproduce, but also in personality, emotional, behavioural, cognitive and attitudinal measures and whilst the sexes overlap, there will always be inherent differences, and therefore gender stereotyping.

A new report by the Advertising Standards Authority says a “tougher” stance must be taken on negative gender stereotyping. Many adverts are full of gendered messaging but is it all bad? No one seriously thinks that girls can’t eat Yorkie bars or that dads can’t go to Iceland. As time has moved on many adverts feature insidious messages that can slowly shape our perception of the world. In the 60s was anyone worried that Fairy Liquid was great for women, whose hands did the dishes?

Today we seem so concerned about offending people and being politically correct are we are in danger of paralysing society and freedom of speech? Should we be embracing and celebrating the differences between men and women?

What are your views? Do you take offence with gender stereotyping? Is the quest for total gender equality realistic?

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