Truly Trumptious
Just because…
Donald the President packed his trunk and said goodbye to the circus
Off he went with a Trumpety-Trump Trump Trump Trump.
Hillaryous Clinton was bawling, far far away
She’d lost her fight and was full of spite
And refused to come out to play.
Donald the President emptied his trunk and said hello to the White House
In he went with a Trumpety-Trump Trump Trump Trump.
Hillaryous Clinton was bawling far far away
She’d lost her fight and was full of spite
And refused to come out to play.
Donald the President kissed himself and admired his reflection
He smiled and preened with a Trumpety-Trump-Trump-Trump.
Hillaryous Clinton was bawling, far far away
She’d lost her fight and was full of spite
And refused to come out to play.
Donald the President pursed his lips and combed his beautiful tresses
How he laughed with a trumpety trump trump trump trump.
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